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Policing the Stones: Music and Violence in Berlin. The Transnational Debates of the 1960s. (Bodo Mrozek)

Crédits : Archiv der Jugendkulturen e.V. Berlin

The early 1960s were relatively calm compared to the previous decade, during which clashes relating to rock ‘n’ roll and negative social stereotypes associated with the labels ‘Halbstarke’, ‘teddy boys’, and ‘juvenile delinquents’ constantly made the headlines. For a short while, it seemed as though adults adopting youth dances, such as the twist, had consigned the troubles of rock to the past, but towards the second half of the 1960s, the media reported several public order issues. These included, among others, the ‘Beatlemania’ that – according to the contemporaries – spread like wildfire across Europe, the United States, and as far as Japan. Fights between Mods and Rockers broke out in seaside resorts in the south of England, while in Paris a mass concert announced as the ‘Nuit de la Nation’ (held on the city’s Place de la Nation) spiralled out of control.1 This article restricts its focus to discussing the Rolling Stones tour which, in autumn 1965, became a focal point for media, police and political debate in Germany.2 I discuss the reception of the concert more than the band and their music, which are already sufficiently well known, and, in so doing, I draw on police reports and press articles from the months immediately after the event.

Lire la suite de l’article (Bodo Mrozek) dans le dossier Rock et violence en Europe dans la revue Criminocorpus.

Cet article est une traduction de : Surveiller les Stones : musique et violence à Berlin. Les débats transnationaux des années 1960

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Nadine Dardenne (12 juillet 2019). Policing the Stones: Music and Violence in Berlin. The Transnational Debates of the 1960s. (Bodo Mrozek). Criminocorpus. Consulté le 20 février 2025 à l’adresse

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